Intestinal obstruction due to non-hodgkin lymphoma, interventional case study
Author(s): Luai Farhan Zghair, Jamal Khalil AL-Qaisy and Mohammed Hussein Mushrif
Abstract: Lymphoma is almost always treated, and patients usually live a long time after being diagnosed. Lymphoma comes in a variety of forms. It can induce a range of symptoms regardless of the type and location in the body. Nevertheless, some patients have no symptoms and their lymphoma is discovered through examinations for another illness. Lymphoma symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors. Having one or more of these symptoms does not always mean you have lymphoma. Several patients, on the other hand, have no signs and their lymphoma is discovered during examinations for a different illness. Other conditions can cause lymphoma symptoms. You don't necessarily have lymphoma if you have one or more of these symptoms. Lymphoma might cause you to catch infections more readily and have trouble getting rid from them. With lymphoma, sweats can happen at any point of day, but they are more prevalent at night. They're commonly described as 'drenching,' and they can soak your nightclothes or bed sheets. Lymphoma can cause itching ('pruritus') without causing a rash. It can be really inconvenient, especially when it gets hot. Fever (temperatures above 38°C or 100.4°F) affects some persons. Fevers are frequently associated with night sweats and weight loss, but they can also occur alone.
Luai Farhan Zghair, Jamal Khalil AL-Qaisy, Mohammed Hussein Mushrif. Intestinal obstruction due to non-hodgkin lymphoma, interventional case study. Int J Case Rep Surg 2021;3(2):20-22. DOI: 10.22271/27081494.2021.v3.i2a.29