2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
A novel technique: Falciform ligament wrapping repair of overlooked duodenal gunshot ınjury
Author(s): Sami Benli, Habip Sarı, Deniz Tikici and Deniz Tazeoğlu
Abstract: Surgical treatment of Duodenal injuries is still among the injuries that leave surgeons in a difficult position. Although many surgical techniques are defined to reduce complications and mortality in the surgical treatment of duodenal injuries, as recent studies have shown, minimally invasive surgical techniques are preferred to reduce complications and mortality in repairing injuries. Case presentation: The patient operated in another center due to gunshot injury, was admitted to our center on the 5th postoperative day when the patient brought bile from the drains on the third postoperative day, and in the explorative laparotomy performed, two-segment and three segment injuries of the duodenum were detected. This injury site was repaired by the Tube duodenostomy Billroth II gastroenterostomy method using ligamentum Falciforme hepatitis. Conclusions: Various methods have been described in the treatment of duodenal injuries, depending on the degree of injury and other visceral organ injuries. Among these methods, minimally invasive surgical methods reduce post-injury complication rates and mortality rates. Among these methods, successful results are obtained with the use of falciform ligament.
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How to cite this article:
Sami Benli, Habip Sarı, Deniz Tikici, Deniz Tazeoğlu. A novel technique: Falciform ligament wrapping repair of overlooked duodenal gunshot ınjury. Int J Case Rep Surg 2020;2(2):01-03.